Cyber Security, a matter of international cooperation. That is why yesterday (26.4) cyber experts, solution and service suppliers from the Netherlands and Southern Germany met in Munich, to discuss the status of cyber security and how we can work together to help customers reducing risks.
Some of my takeaways:
- Each company will face an attack sooner or later, the main question is how to reduce the impact.
- Hackers are well organized in professional organizations, with clear targets, processes, training.
- The weakest point in cyber defense is the human aspect. People make mistakes, education and awareness is crucial to reduce this risk.
- Software products still lack the focus on security aspects, this should be standard functionality.
- We lack experienced resources on the technical side. But we also lack know how and understanding on the C-level to understand the impact of risks and how to allocate investments for better protection. Cyber security is a board issue.
- Insurance companies and technology and service suppliers should work together more closely to cover the risk for companies, especially SME.
Also interesting to see that a discussion on security also includes privacy, data quality, cooperation in the supply chain. It is al about data.
Thanks for the organisation Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Munich Security Delta (HSD) InnovationQuarter
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